Total Medals Earned: 707 (From 204 different games.) Total Medal Score: 8,155 Points
Medals Earned: 3/4 (40/90 points)
Defeat Stabby's 2nd Form
Defeat Stabby's 3rd Form
Defeat Stabby's Final Form
Defeat the Boss without Losing a Life
Medals Earned: 3/7 (40/265 points)
Lose on the first round
Reach a score of 10,000
Achieve a perfect round
Reach a score of 25,000
Hit 2 birds with 1 shot
Complete the first 3 rounds without missing a shot
Reach a score of 100,000
Medals Earned: 1/17 (5/435 points)
Breaks out 5 Balloons in a single run
Collect 100x Acorns in a single run
Go one time over the Clouds in a single run
Save 2x little Piggies in a single run
Breaks out 10 Red Balloons in a single run
Kill the first Boss
Collect 300x Acorns in a single run
Go 3 times over the Clouds in a single run
Break 10x Circular Saw in a single run
Kill the second Boss
Save 4x little Piggies in a single run
Collect 500x Acorns in a single run
Break 6 Windows in a single run
Kill the third Boss
Breaks out 5x Violet Balloons in a single run
Save 6x little Piggies in a single run
Flying Chops 100% Completed, All missions done!
Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/135 points)
Beat a level without using all of the required folds.
Get a total score of 1700.
Get a total score of 3400(100% on every level)
Medals Earned: 12/12 (60/60 points)
You got another O
You got the F
You got the glorious G
You got the H
You got the I
You got the little N
You got the M
You got the N
You got the O
You got the R
The vanishing space
You got the T
Medals Earned: 2/9 (10/300 points)
Find 10
Check out the Frozen Pixel Hunt.
Follow me on
Buy the Pixel poster!
Play the first game.
Find 50
Find 101
Find all 173
Find all 173 in under 4 minuets
Medals Earned: 1/13 (25/325 points)
You opened Big Basket bonus
You opened Bounce bonus
Catch 12 sheeps at a heat
You opened Fast Fruit bonus
Create 200 fruits in bonus level
You opened Gigantic Fruits bonus
Bounce ball 50 times
Avoid night monster attacks 10 times
You opened Magnet bonus
You opened Move Speed bonus
Catch 20 fruits without dropping
You discovered Time Slow bonus
Catch 200 fruits in one level
Medals Earned: 1/6 (50/310 points)
10 levels. No problem. Keep going for 10 levels.
Viewed 'em! ...credits :)
5 flavours served. Don't waste ice-cream.
Freedom of speech... listen to the moles!
Pacifism. Moles don't like mallets.
Some joy is coming your way!
Medals Earned: 4/14 (20/465 points)
Obtained for defeat first Boss!
Get a powerup
Obtained for 10.000 points.
Obtained after Federation give you the 7th rank!
Obtained for get 5 powerup power
Obtained for 50.000 points.
Obtained for get to last mission on Normal Mode!
Obtained after Federation give you last Rank!
Obtained for complete mission on Normal Mode
Obtained for 100.000 points.
Obtained for get to last battle on Hard Mode!
Obtained for complete mission on Hard Mode!
Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)
Complete Level 4
Complete Level 10
Complete Level 18
Finish the Game